to take care of mental health during corona virus outbreak
We are living a life full of fear due to havoc created by
corona virus all over the world.
All out efforts are being made to win the war against
this epidemic.
We have been advised to stop our
movement and to stay indoors so as to
break the chain of
epidemic spread.
So many measures have been taken by the administration .
People are working from
Gathering of people at one place is prohibited.
All kinds of travel modes have been cancelled.
Any kind of function is not to be organised.
That means we are to remain in isolation till the situation under control.
A paradigm shift is taking place in our lives.
We are forced to adopt social distancing.
There s going to have impact on many areas
we shall elaborate only about psychological impact on our
In a move that would have been unthinkable just months
ago, quarantine and social distancing have now become commonplace globally as
governments make concerted efforts to fight the spiralling coronavirus
The measures, which have seen citizens from the U.S. to
India either encouraged or enforced to stay in their homes, are deemed by
medical experts as necessary in reducing the spread of the virus. But, the
implications for people’s mental wellbeing cannot be overlooked.
A recent study from medical journal The Lancet notes that
the psychological impact of quarantine can be great, resulting in a range of
mental health concerns from anxiety and anger to sleep disturbances, depression
and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Indeed, separate studies of
quarantined patients of SARS, a previous coronavirus outbreak in 2003, found
between 10% and 29% suffered PTSD.
The Lancet’s report found mental health concerns could be
inflamed by stressors associated with quarantine, such as infection fears,
frustration, boredom, inadequate supplies, lack of information, financial loss
and stigma associated with contracting the disease.
That can be an issue not only for people with pre existing mental health concerns, but also
those in seemingly good psychological health.
Identifying mental health concerns:
The CDC notes that people should look out for signs of
distressed mental health in themselves and others. Symptoms may include:
— Fear and worry about your own health
— Changes in sleep or eating patterns
— Difficulty sleeping or concentrating
— Worsening of chronic health problems
— Increased use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs
Recognizing the problem, the World Health Organization
this week released guidance on how people can protect their mental health
during the outbreak.
“Humans are social animals,” professor Ian Hickie at the
University of Sydney’s Brain and Mind Centre told CNBC Make It. “Prolonged
quarantine or social isolation (without compensatory methods in place) will
exacerbate anxiety, depression and a sense of helplessness.”
What individuals can do
However, as more and more people face the prospects of
several weeks of quarantine or social distancing, individuals will also have to
establish their own ways of preserving their mental health at home.
CNBC Make It compiled the advice of psychology experts,
as well as several health bodies, to find out their top tips:
a routine — Change out of your pajamas, shower and make a to-do of
all the things you want to achieve each day to create a sense of normality and
up your day — Find tasks to break up your day and, where
possible, change your environment for different activities.
care of your body — Eat healthily, get plenty of sleep and
exercise daily. That could include conducting indoor workout classes,
stretching and practicing meditation.
others — If you’re not under strict isolation rules yourself,
and you’re in a position to do so, find ways to support those in need by
offering to run errands and collect supplies for them.
connected — Make the most of technology and stay in touch with
colleagues, friends and family via phone calls, texts, social media and video
media intake — Stay informed about the situation via
reliable sources, but limit your news and social media intake to avoid feeling
medical supplies — The National Alliance on Mental Illness
advises, where necessary, asking your doctor for extended prescription supplies
to tide you over for quarantine periods.
boredom — Make the most of catching up TV series, reading and
exploring projects you have been putting off to beat boredom and stay mentally
burnout — Set strict limits to your work to avoid becoming
overwhelmed and make time to unwind.
on the positives — Amplify good news stories and honor
caregivers working tirelessly to resolve the situation.
one day at a time — Try not to project too far into the
future. Remember that these are temporary measures and you are not alone.
“My advice?
“Stay in contact with people — virtually — engage in
activities that give you pleasure and a sense of meaning, and do what you can
to help others, which is a remarkable antidote to depression.”
Yes, it is really motivational and help to keep us fit and to fight against corona..