Wednesday, April 22, 2020

21 day challenge

Hi!  Welcome    back  

Everybody is waiting   eagerly for our personal freedom. We have been directed to remain indoors
till   3rd of   May   to    safeguard   ourselves against corona virus.
The directives   given by the administration   have so far being   followed  .  Some of the preventive measures being taken are as follows
hand washing
Social distancing
Wearing Mask
 Boost Immunity
But the threat   will not end after lock down.  It will continue till vaccine is prepared for its cure.
Ok  I have been following guidelines  and  so far so good  but I cannot relax ,I have to be careful.

As I have been getting lot of suggestions   from various sources regarding making best use of lock down period so I decided to chalk out a program for myself which I call as

          21 day challenge   to be fit n fine.
1.       Learn meditation
2.       Read books
3.       Detox
4.       Yoga practice
5.       Immunity building
6.       Organise life
7.       New habits formation
8.       Diet plan
9.       Walk daily
10.   Play with kids
11.   Talk to self
12.   Spiritual practice
13.   Start a new hobby
14.   Social networking
15.   Body care routine
16.   Relaxation exercises
17.   Listen classical music
18.   Self   Improvement
19.   Write books
20.   Write poems
21.   Recall good moments of life

The idea behind this program is to organise myself, getting rid of my   weaknesses and forming new habits
I have learnt that if you want to form a new habit you should practice it   for 21 days

Another point   , one should be physically fit n mentally fine to fight against corona virus.
I suggest every  one of you should make this program and   start implementing from today.
You should not follow what others say rather you should do what is   good   for you
I hope this will benefit you to a great extent

1 comment:

  1. Very nice blog keeping us well motivated..Keep fit and fine..


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