Monday, February 10, 2020

health and habits 2

10 bad habits that affect your health
Part 2

You eat well. You exercise. You go to bed early. All in all, you’re trying your best to look after your health. If you want to lead a long, fruitful life, staying on top of all of the above is absolutely vital. But did you know there are many simple bad habits that could be destroying all your hard work? Without further ado, let’s take a look at 10 things that could be negatively affecting your wellness.

Drinking from plastic bottles
Most of us wouldn’t think twice about drinking water from a plastic bottle. Shockingly, research from the University of Cincinnati suggests that these bottles can release potentially harmful chemicals when they make contact with hot liquid. So, if you wash your bottle with hot water and reuse it, it could be quite dangerous.
Being a social drinker
Having a beer or two after work might seem innocent enough. However, research from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis suggests that light alcohol consumption is linked to a higher risk of early death. The study found that daily drinkers are 20% more likely to die prematurely than those who drink less often. It could be time to cut back.
Skipping meals
Whether you’re trying to slim down or simply too busy to cook, skipping meals is one of those bad habits many of us have. You may be surprised to learn that this sin could have the opposite effect on your weight. One study from Ohio State University found that missing meals could lead to abdominal weight gain.
Losing sleep
Are you getting enough sleep each night? Losing just 30 minutes of sleep each day may cause you to gain weight and struggle to control your blood sugar levels, according to a report from the Endocrine Society. If you find it hard to get the rest you need, changing your evening routine could be a great place to start.
Cutting back on carbs
Low-carb diets are a massive trend at the moment but are they really healthy? One study from the American College of Cardiology suggests that restricting carbs could be linked to a common heart rhythm disorder called atrial fibrillation (AFib). Rather than entirely cutting out a food group, it’s important to eat a variety of different nutrient sources.

Getting your nails done
When you fancy treating yourself, heading to the local salon may seem like a great idea. However, one report from Rutgers University found that there can be toxic chemicals in salons. The experts suggested that these chemicals could be linked to the high levels of skin and fungal diseases suffered by regular salon customers.
Buying ready-made meals
No time to cook? Buying frozen ready-made meals could be a quick solution to your problem. However, this convenience could come at a cost to your health. One report from Newcastle University found that these meals are typically high in saturated fats and salt, both of which could have a negative impact on your health.
Not combatting stress
Stress is a serious problem. If you don’t do something to combat anxious feelings, it could destroy your health. One study from Georgia Health Sciences University found that stress prompts the body to retain as much salt as eating fries. Take control by acknowledging the aspects of your life that cause you stress and trying to change them.
Spending too much time alone
There’s nothing wrong with enjoying some me-time, but if you’re spending the majority of your free time alone, that could be a red flag. Research from the European Society of Cardiology found loneliness to be a strong predictor of premature death in both men and women. Reach out to those around you for support.
Rushing your meals
If you lead a hectic lifestyle, finding a moment to eat a decent meal could be hard. However, rushing meals and eating too quickly are bad habits you certainly want to avoid. One study from the European Society of Endocrinology found that consuming food quickly could increase your risk of developing diabetes.



  1. really,these small wrong doing things impacted our it is time to revisit oneself and correct to lead a healthy and happy life..thanks for this vital information..


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