Sunday, February 9, 2020

habits and health 01

10 bad habits that affect your health

You eat well. You exercise. You go to bed early. All in all, you’re trying your best to look after your health. If you want to lead a long, fruitful life, staying on top of all of the above is absolutely vital. But did you know there are many simple bad habits that could be destroying all your hard work? Without further ado, let’s take a look at 10 things that could be negatively affecting your wellness.

Drinking high-sugar beverages
Do you enjoy the refreshing taste of a cool soda? Sadly, drinking sugary beverages could be one of the worst bad habits for your health. Research from the American Society of Nephrology suggests that soda and sweetened drinks could be linked to a higher risk of developing kidney disease. Why not try some water instead?
Using e-cigarettes
E-cigarettes have grown in popularity in recent years as a so-called healthy alternative to smoking. However, they could be doing you serious harm. One study from the American College of Cardiology links using e-cigarettes to a high risk of depression and heart disease. If you’re looking to break a bad habit, you may want to start here.

Yo-yo dieting
Getting into shape can be a tough game. However, if you’re a fan of fad diets, you might want to rethink your health routine. Research from the American Heart Association suggests that yo-yo dieting could be linked to an increased risk of heart disease in women. Eating a balanced diet and exercising is the only way to go.

Not sleeping well
Do you find it hard to sleep each night? When you don’t get enough rest, it could seriously impact your health. Poor sleep has been linked to a rise in heart-related deaths, according to research published in the European Heart Journal. If you’re looking for a way to lead a healthier lifestyle, make getting more sleep a priority.

Night time snacking
When night time falls and you’re relaxing, you may be tempted to head to the fridge and grab a snack. While eating late may not seem like a huge problem, research from the University of Arizona Health Sciences Department suggests that it could lead to obesity and diabetes in the long run. Try to avoid eating after you’ve had your main dinner.

Eating fried chicken
Deep-fried food may be satisfying, but you should consider the effect it has on your health. Research from the British Medical Journal suggests that eating a lot of fried food can lead to a high risk of cardiovascular problems, certain types of cancer, and even death. Cutting down on your consumption is a smart and healthy move.
Watching too much TV
Are you a binge-watching fiend? If you love nothing more than settling in to watch TV for the night, here’s some bad news. One study from the American College of Cardiology found that watching lots of TV was associated with higher levels of blood pressure and diabetes. Hitting the “off” button and heading out will make all the difference.

1 comment:

  1. it is really very beautiful topic related to health. i enjoyed all your blogs as it informative and something inspired me a lot.
    You also inspired me to begin new chapter in my life. some more information expected which will continue inspired and help me keep me fit.


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