Thursday, March 12, 2020

tips for being healthy

Tips for Being Healthy

Today in this article we will discuss about some of the best  health tips for n & women .These tips will make your body healthy and wealthy . These tips are natural and can be  easily used  at home
1.     Eat healthy food
 You should eat healthy food because eating a healthy diet will make your bones strong internally Don’t eat unhealthy food because it will be very harmful for the body and for the physical and mental health. When you don’t eat healthy food you are more likely to indulge into  various kind of the diseases.
2.     Don’t eat sugar
 You should know that sugar is the not good for human beings because it affects the heart and it causes many heart diseases so try to eat sugar free foods that will be helpful for your cardiac system. A person loves to eat sugar and that’s why they are more likely to have the heart diseases.
3.     Eat more Vegetables
The best health foods are green vegetable , try to eat green vegetables and this will give you a healthy life. For getting a strong body and  being healthy physically and mentally eat green vegetables they will  keep the body healthy   face will glow so keep using vegetables in your daily diet e. Use vegetables as salads.
4.     Don’t eat carbohydrates
 Many people think that they get fats on their body when they eat fats. No, actually when you eat carbohydrates your body becomes fat and that’s why you are more likely to get involved in the heart diseases and many other diseases. So don’t eat carbohydrates.
5.     Eat on time for good health
This is the most important thing that people don’t consider we should eat on time. We  eat when we feel hungry so this is not good as it can be  be harmful  for stomach.  It gets upset when you don’t eat eat on time.
6.     Eat fish for healthy health
You should eat fish twice a week because fishes have a large amount of omega 3 and also best fatty acids with vitamins like as D which is best for body. Fish is enriched with phosphorus, calcium and also a great source of minerals. Fish have  all minerals which is required by  a healthy body
7.     Drink water
Water is essential thing for whole body requirement When you don’t drink water your kidneys don’t perform the functions properly and that’s why you may have the problems of kidneys. And kidney issues are creating problems and so terrible so try to drink as maximum water as you can.

8.     Don’t over eat for stomach health
You should not overeat because when you eat a lot of food in order to fill your stomach your body can not  digest all of the food at a time and the digestion can create a problems when you eat a lot of food. So eat  a balanced food on time .Eating  junk  food can cause a dangerous problems for your body
9.     Eggs for Good Health
Egg is another great food  for healthy body . You should eat  egg daily either full or half boiled as you like,  but eat daily . It’s very important for body because egg is a great source of providing protein for body . Eggs should be eaten on daily basis. But make sure eggs shouldn’t be of the farm hens because they are artificial and they don’t have any benefit for you. The egg consists of proteins and it have B2 vitamin in it. The white of eggs contains vitamin D and minerals in it.
10.   Drink green tea for health
You should drink green tea without sugar. Green tea have a special digestion properties .You should drink green tea or black tea without sugar in it. People usually hate drinking green tea and they even don’t know that how beneficial it is for the body and for the skin.  Green tea is very useful for burning the fats and it also promotes bone health. It has antioxidants and nutrients in it.


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